Recent Publications and Testimony 2024

Recent Publications on S&T Policy 2009-2024

  • A framework and methodology for analyzing technology spillover processes with an application in solar photovoltaics.” Kolesnikov, S., Goldstein, A. P., Sun, B., Chan, G., Narayanamurti, V., & Anadon, L. D. (2024). Technovation, 134, 103048. 
  • How technoscientific knowledge advances: A Bell-Labs-inspired architecture.” Narayanamurti, Venkatesh, and Tsao, Jeffrey Y. Research Policy 53.4 (2024): 104983.
  • We Must Sustain America’s Big Tech Engines of Innovation“. Narayanamurti, V. & Currall, S.C. (2023). The Hill, 24 March. 
  • Three common misconceptions about the nature and nurture of research” Narayanamurti, Venkatesh, and Tsao, Jeffrey Y. (2023). Nature Reviews Physics Vol.5.
  • Narayanamurti, Venkatesh, “Technoscientific Research: A Missing Term in R&D Discourse,The National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine, January 18, 2022.
  • The CHIPS and Science Act: An Inflection Point for Technological Leadership?” Currall, S.C. and Narayanamurti, V. (2022a).
    Issues in Science and Technology 39, no. 1 (Fall 2022): 39-42.
  • Fostering Innovation to Strengthen US Competitiveness through the National Science Foundation.” Currall, S.C. & Narayanamurti, V. (2022b). Issues in Science and Technology, 16 May 2022.
  • “Genesis of Technological Revolutions”, Narayanamurti, Venkatesh and Tsao, Jeffrey Y. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 2021.
  • “Illuminating homes with LED’s in India: Rapid market creation towards low-carbon technology transition in a developing country”, A.S. Kamat, R. Khosla, and V.Narayanamurti
    htpp:// or Energy Research &Social Science 66 (2020) 101488
  • “Why matter matters: How technology characteristics shape the strategic framing of technologies”, Hoppmann, Joern, Anadon, Laura Diaz, and Narayanamurti, Venkatesh. Research Policy 49 (2020) 103882
  • “Urban waste to energy recovery assessment simulations for developing countries”, Siddiqi, A, Haraguchi, M. and Narayanamurti, V. World Development 131 (2020) 104949
  • “Our national experiment in clean energy just turned 10” Goldstein, Anna P and Narayanamurti, Venkatesh The Hill, October26, 2019
  • “Two threats to U.S Science”, Alberts, Bruce and Narayanamurti, Venkatesh in Science V.364,p.613, 17 May 2019
  • Stochastic cost-benefit analysis of urban-waste to energy systems”, Haraguchi, Masahiro, Siddiqi, Afreen and Narayanamurti, Venkatesh, Journal of Cleaner Production v.224, 2019, pp751-765
  • “Nurturing Transformative U.S. Energy Research: Two Guiding Principles,”
    Narayanamurti, V. and Tsao, J.Y. invited paper MRS Journal on Energy and Sustainability, v.5, 2018 ,pp1-8 doi:10.1557/mre.2018.9
  • “Simultaneous Pursuit of Discovery and Invention in the U.S. Department of Energy,”
    Goldstein, A. P., and Narayanamurti, V. Research Policy,V.47,issue8,2018,pp1505-1512
  • “Towards Sustainability in Water-Energy Nexus: Ocean Energy for Seawater
    Desalination,” Li, Z., Siddiqi, S., Anadon, L.D. and Narayanamurti, V. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82.3 February 2018: 3833-3847.
  • Oral Testimony to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of
    Representatives. Hearing: Energy Innovation: Letting Technology Lead.
    Narayanamurti, V., Washington D.C. July 19, 2017.
  • “Six principles for energy innovation,” Chan, Gabriel, Goldstein, Anna P., Bin-Nun, A.,
    Anadon, L.D., and Narayanamurti, V. Nature 552, no. 7683. 2017: 25-27.
  • “Engineering research: An underinvested-in weak link in the energy innovation ecosystem,” Narayanamurti, V. MRS Bulletin, 42(12), 2017, pp.877-877.
  • “A Case Study of a World-class Research Project Accomplished in China: Discovery of the Anomalous Quarter Hall Effect,” Huang, J., Shi, D., Lan, X., and Narayanamurti, V.
    NSR Issue 3.4. February 2017.
  • “Science and Engineering Education in the GCC: Challenges and Transformations,”
    Siddiqi, A., Anadon, L.D., Narayanamurti, V. Higher Education in the GCC: Linkages and Independence, edited by Dale F. Eickelman and Rogaia Mustafa AbuSharaf. Berlin: Gerlach Press, 2016.
  • “Cycles of Invention and Discovery: Rethinking the Endless Frontier,” Narayanamurti,
    V. and Odumosu, T. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 2016.
  • “The Pressing Energy Innovation Challenge of the U.S. National Labs,” Anadon, L.D., Chan, G., Bin-Nun, A.Y., Narayanamurti, V. Nature Energy 2016.
  • “The social science of creativity and research practice: Physical scientists, take notice,” Odumosu, T., Tsao, J.Y., Narayanamurti, V. Physics Today Commentary: November 2015.
  • “Transforming U.S. Energy Innovation,” Anadon, Laura Diaz, Matthew Bunn, and Venkatesh Narayanamurti, eds., Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. July 2014.
  • “Basic/applied research dichotomy,” V. Narayanamurti, T. Odumosu, L. Vinsel, Issues in Science and Technology 29:16. Summer 2013.
  • “ARISE2: Unleashing America’s Research and Innovation Enterprise,” Narayanamurti, V., Yamamoto, K., Andrews, N., et. al. Cambridge, MA, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2013.
  • “Transforming Energy Innovation,” Narayanamurti, V., Anadon, L.D., Sagar, A. D. Issues in Science and Technology, Fall 2009, 57-64.